Looking to Heal Our Own [Learning] Difference Through Our Very Own DNA: An alternative perspective from the spirit, soul, and body. Cook, T. (2020)

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For learning to be successful, your child needs to have a strong, healthy and functional physiological, sensory-motor, spiritual, cognitive, behavioral, and affective components such as the following: central nervous- sensory system (especially visual and auditory), chakra system included is the RAS & ACC/HPA (parts of the brain), biofield (including electromagnetic field), neuroplasticity and IQ, positive perceptions specifically strength and empathy (along with reduced perceptions of anger/shame), hormones released such as serotonin, dopamine, cortisol along with autonomy (for meaning, speed processing, and long-term memory) and attunement (for meaning & motivation, speed processing, and short-term memory). This paper looks at the “whole child” and complete learning differences including the nature and nurture of the neurodifference. Again, speaking of the “whole child”- you need to examine every aspect of their learning, not just the end goal or result which is literacy and their appropriate learning behavior. Ways to look at neurodifferences holistically: observe and take observational notes on the child…50% Nature/50% Nurture (focus on epigenetics): https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/what-is-epigenetics-and-how-does-it-relate-to-child-development/lL

In-text: (“What is Epigenetics? The Answer to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate”, 2020)


Nature is maturation of brain and body; for the purpose of survival, it’s ability to perceive, give meaning, learn, and act including motivation and resilience of our very own environments. Speaking of the “whole child”- the vagus nerve connects the brain stem to the body. It also connects and aligns the seven chakras, RAS & ACC/HPA including their own biofield (including electromagnetic field). This vagal balance allows the brain stem to receive the information from the environment, the midbrain to monitor and receive information from our environment, and the frontal lobe to perceive the universal emotions which are the following shame, empathy, anger, strength, hatred, courage, grief, and compassion. The vagus nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra) can be deactivated, hyperactivated, underdeveloped, or going inactive in children (adults-too); therefore, releasing specific inflammatory proteins at the gut-brain axis which can be toxic to the triune brain. Specifically, if the vagal system is comprised including the following areas of the brain:

Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and the Alta Major Chakra

1.1 ACC illustration

(HPA) Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal and the Soma Chakra 

  1.2 HPA illustration

Section 2 Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is one of the cranial nerves that connects the brain to the body. More specifically, it’s the connection between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. Likewise, the vagus nerve has two bunches of sensory nerve cell bodies, and it connects the brain stem to the body and vagal nerves carry somatic and visceral afferents that can alter the activity of brain stem at the point of the reticular centers (RAS). Remember the RAS & ACC/HPA also allows the brain to monitor and receive information about several of the body’s different functions and matters of the heart including the perceptions and filters of the parasympathetic (shame) and sympathetic (anger) response system during stress such as reading. When you activate the chakras (major 7 and soma/alta major- HPA/ACC) and normalize, balance the vagal tone and electromagnetic field, it will stop the “epigenome” which are again the collection of chemicals markers (focus: inherently dyslexia). This interruption will allow the body to then calm, be healthy, resilient, gain positive attitudes and make learning more pleasurable and effective; therefore, also the Reticular Activating System (RAS) needs to be activated via the vagus nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra). Note: The (ARAS) itself is on the cerebral cortex is responsible for achievement of consciousness.

2.1 Vagus Nerve Chakra illustration Note: includes soma and alta major

Remember the vagus nerve also connects the brain stem to the body. The vagus nerve also is connected to the seven chakras via RAS & ACC/HPA- by activating the seven chakras including the soma/alta major via the vagus nerve, it can continue doing its job of helping us connect our brain stem to the body; hence, regulating our biofield (including electromagnetic fields). One of the major goals of the paper and program includes holistic alternatives and activities to block or ease the production of specific inflammatory proteins and chemicals (toxicity) excreted at the gut-brain axis via the vagus nerve, align and balance the seven chakras (soma/alta major also) including RAS & ACC/HPA areas of the brain to regulate our own biofields (including electromagnetic fields).

2.2 RAS illustration

Vibrating-the-Alta-Major [2020]

RAS 2.2 illustration Rectangular Activation System (RAS) illustration Note: includes soma and alta major chakras. The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior such as sleep, memory, and learning; as well as, both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns. Important RAS info. includes the following excerpt: ‘The RAS is said to be the gas pedal [slow, accelerate or varied cognitive speed processing] that ignites the diencephalon (the hypothalamus and thalamus) as well as the cortical areas [where all long-term memory/storage takes place] of the brain’ (Petty 1996).


Our Electromagnetic System

3.1 EM and Torsion Field illustration

Our Biofield

3.2 Biofield illustration 

Our Chakra Systems   

Next, I have to mention other parts of the brain that have a part in some of the most important aspects of learning which includes the following tasks: 

analysis (break down category and sequencing)

sensory processing

memory/learning (short and long term memory) 

motor control

autonomy (meaning) and attunement (motivation)

The brain stem (reptilian brain) again regulates our sympathetic (anger) and parasympathetic (shame) systems as it responds to stress: such as when reading. It also acts like a vehicle for sensory information. Note: Students with Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD) have mostly hyper-sensory processing and Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) has hypo-sensory processing. Lastly, it helps to be familiar with the midbrain (mammalian brain) which includes: medulla oblongata and pons do their jobs effectively such as…

Basal ganglia- regulating motor functions. Students with Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD) have mostly hyper-sensory processing and hyperactivity in their proprioceptive, somatic, vestibular, and gross-motor abilities (ADHD- hyperactive type & cerebral palsy) and Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- have mostly hypo-sensory processing and hypoactivity in their proprioceptive, somatic, vestibular, and fine-motor abilities (ADHD-inattentive type & dysgraphia).

Pineal Body, Pituitary & Adrenal Glands (see hypothalamus below)- synthesizes melatonin, serotonin and dopamine and cortisol which helps you respond to stress (reading for example) and has many other important functions. Note: Students with Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD) are deficient in dopamine and have hyer-norepinephrine production (diligence- fight, flight, flee & hyperarousal). Students with Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) are deficient in serotonin and have hypo-norepinephrine production (hypoarousal, memory retrieval, diligence/motiavtion-freeze). Remember: ACC- is part of RAS (Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland-associated with the alta major chakra), HPA-(Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis- associated with the soma chakra and both associated to the thymus chakra aka vagus nerve chakra).

Corpus callosum- links both hemispheres and to varying degrees. Hence students might have a lateral cognitive dominance of the functioning system- the students with the right-hemisphere dominance have Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) and might have dyslexia and/or high functioning autism. If a student has total or left corpus callosum dysfunction then having total right or left-lateral hemisphere dominance have Sympathetic Functioning System Dominance (SFD) or Total Functioning System Dominance (TFD) and might have autism along with other learning differences (below). Note: Analysis (break down category and sequencing)- is a left-hemisphere task: therefore, students with dyslexia, High Functioning Autism, can have language deficits. Evaluation (specifically color, shape, size & dimension)- is a right-hemisphere task: therefore, autism can have Irlen Syndrome.

3.4 Internal Brain illustration

Medulla oblongata:

Thalamus- integrates and sends sensory information 

Olivary body- motor learning and perception of sound (auditory and visual processing specifically) 

Hypothalamus- speed processing of information includes also the hippocampus- which is in the limbic system and regulates perceptions (such as perception of shame, long-term memory). Note: Students with Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SDF) react with anger and have hyper-speed (accelerated) processing and long-term memory issues (both also varied from trying to regulate accelerated-slow so one and so forth). Students with Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PDF) filters with perceptions of shame, have slow speed processing and bypassing the facts needed for short-term memory-headed straight to filtering based on meaning and perceptions (again shame)- short term memory issues. Remember: RAS-alta major chakra, pineal and pituitary gland (pituitary chakra), crown chakra specifically for Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) & HPA- soma chakra, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis for Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD).

Pons- integrating both the medulla oblongata at and the thalamus. Students can have a hypo or hyper thalamus have problem with sensory integration. Plus, the pons connects areas of the brain that controls autonomic functions (para/sympathetic) and movement including speaking (RAS-alta major chakra, crown chakra specifically). Students with Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD) can have hyper-visual processing leading to convergence and other visual processing issues. Students with Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) have a hypothalamus issues and are also known for their pons dysfunction (PONS is addressed more in my adult ELBERT™ program); hence, they have hypo-auditory processing leading to dyslexia and other central auditory processing issues and sometimes even dyspraxia (speech disability).


Nurture- is the adaptation of children responding to the demands of the environment in ways that meet their own goals and function in a safe and secure way. For the child with neurofifference, it’s to integrate particular observations (patterns first) into a body to form coherent knowledge also the organization; primarily, It’s the basis on the child’s need for meaning and motivation (ask me about Executive Functioning issues and/or disability). Therefore, the adult should make observational records of children’s inductive reasoning and matters of the heart (discussed more below) on all children before intervention!! Lastly, they need to be provided a safe, supportive, healthy, and loving environment to prevent kids from learning from primarily from either their mental, emotional and etheric bodies (anger/shame). Relative to epigenetics, my specific emphasis in the paper and program is the heart for instance: anger being replaced with strength, shame being replaced with empathy and both with love and removal of fear: therefore, they will increase their connection, trust, and love for themselves and others. I also touch on the safe, positive learning environments, toxicity and other environmental factors for instance you can view some of the activities and exercises: HERE.

In-text: (“What is Epigenetics? The Answer to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate”, 2020)

Section 4 Physical Plane- (see illustration 4.1 above)

Emotional Body– Shame see Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul connection and attunement for help do controlled by ACC- (green above) which is part of RAS (Pineal , Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the brain) along with Crown, 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals, cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra (see below).

Mental Body– Anger see Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul consciousness, connection and atonomy for help do HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS especially the 7th chakra and includes the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness. The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra (see below).

Etheric Body– Anger/Shame has problems with both the emotional and mental body see Total Functional System Dominance (TFD)- needs Body-Soul Connection for help do RAS including ACC/HPA along with chakras 6-8th includes the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, PONS part of the brain, Crown, Pituitary and Alta Major/Soma Chakra. Also RAS especially the 8th chakra which mainly is part of the brain stem via vagus nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra) involved in arousal (hyper-hypo) which helps learning such as focus/attention, sensory integration, hormones released, speed processing, LT/ST memory, vigilance/motivation, and overall (hypo-, hyper-, & varied) arousal, sleep and wakefulness, and control of reflexes. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra.

Note: illustration 4.1 All three types of having a Functional System of Dominance (FSD) are about the 2C’s: connection and control along with trust of the body, soul, and spirit. They can be hard to heal due to each individuals circumstances, experiences and attitudes. They can be hard because because the anger/shame responses are survival tools and actually work for some people. To a point, to where it doesn’t work for them any longer and can be actually harmful to their and others safety. They have to want to release, heal, and lose control to gain connection. Plus, the findings on epigentics (above) let us know the epigenome can be something temporary. This is why RAS which includes the alta major chakra and the ACC/HPA with soma chakra takes awareness, work and needs to be “worked on daily”. No worries, I will give you ways in the revolutionary program, ELBERT™ and I’m here to coach you along the way to heal your DNA- for generations can benefit from revolutionary teaching! Again, awareness including knowledge and wisdom, controlling chemical markers, and matters of the heart are key to all this change.

The Program

Again, the goal of the program ELBERT™ is to heal our very own DNA holistically through exercises and activities which block or ease the production of specific inflammatory proteins (toxicity) excreted by the gut-brain axis , decreasing bio-chemical reactions that happen between the Pineal, Pituitary, Adrenal & Carotid Glands along with decreasing the RAS & ACC/HPA deficiencies, and regulating our own bitfields (including electromagnetic fields) by activating and aligning the vagus nerve (via vagus nerve chakra- thymus). I teach, consult and coach anyone interested in healing their DNA; I even offer group trainings. This program more specifically also looks at their own unique learning difference by examining each child’s neuro-systematic learning functions (All learning goes by these areas and systems: vagus nerve, frontal lobe (limbic system), brainstem and midbrain, along with cortical neurosystems). Limbic– My literacy lesson plan template that includes the multiple intelligences along with 4 F’s: Facts, Forms/Functions, Feelings & Future. Note: Limbic Areas that are typically included in the limbic system fall into two categories. … and (brainstem) processing side and short-term memory (the limbic cortex, amygdala and hippocampus) and (midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons that integrates sensory information and relays it upward. In terms of longterm physiological changes, it is also associated with long-term memory. For assessment and ongoing evaluation, I use a rapid word and letter sound recall checklist, plus some informal observations included in the lesson plans-mentioned above. Brainstem– I have a fight, flight, flee and freeze observational checklist which includes alternative and holistic activities and exercises for the release of stressors and reactivation of the vagus nerve (vagus nerve chakra-thymus) to the body for instance: prayer, yoga, affirmations, meditation, breathing, emotional coaching exercises and activities that look at the “whole child” and activating the vagus nerve for instance; PRESS HERE. Midbrain– A screening and recommendations for vestibular, proprioceptive, somatic issues, along with speech/language development, auditory and visual processing. Cortical– Lesson plans and activities for taking care of the “whole child” and their individual, dynamic needs for learning and the domains of development.

Lastly, the RAS (ARAS) is our consciousness and how we makes or thoughts, ideas, focuses, intents or dreams into reality. It’s again in coordination with our thymus, and the soma/alta major chakras for consciousness-awareness of soul, meaning God’s perceptions and our purpose. In my program, I give the focus and intent of each activity; but when you, yourself, hears and sees from God- note: your focus as long it’s from God is always Good (even if it changes from my own personal perspective)!!! Lastly, I believe in a UNITED EARTH, so I try to represent “the East and the West” as not being separate- ONE EARTH. Where Only God can make us “whole”, we are all humans with the same smiles, tears, sadness, laughter, and neurodifferences. If we ALL focused and found importance in love and healing, this planet would be even more divinely miraculous (focus on emotional reappraisal).

“…that you will see the difference between what is important and what is not and choose what is important; that you will be pure and blameless for the coming of Christ;…” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭ERV.

Closing Thoughts

When have you asked your child, what positive did you have today?

Where is your focus of attention as being important?

Where is our children’s focus?

Is our focus of being important enough on our own body, mind, and spirit?

In today’s time, is our attention on God and His Word?

Is your focus mainly positivity in attitude and thoughts? 

What does your family find important?

Where did you get the inspiration to write the program Elbert? Read here http://myelbert.com/2020/03/28/speaking-of-the-whole-child-again-where-did-you-get-the-inspiration-to-write-the-program-elbert/

Please share this article for anyone who needs help: Looking to Heal Our Own [Learning] Difference Through Our Very Own DNA: An alternative perspective from the spirit, soul, and body. Cook, T. (2020). Link HERE

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JOIN DISCUSSION HERE https://www.facebook.com/groups/674837429989341/?ref=share

In comments write promo: MYELBERT20 for 10% off program.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Starts 5/25/2020- your child can join online for  ELBERT™ SUMMER Fun SERIES SCHEDULE email tcooktutoring@gmail.com or press here: BOOK NOW  

“You have to want to release, heal, and lose control to gain connection.”-Tricia Cook

#learningdifference, #tcooktutor, #dyslexia,

#neurodifference, #epigentics, #love, #RAS,

#neurounderstanding, #elbert, #dyslexiahelp


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If you are an adult needing help to heal your DNA Join FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/adultelbert/ or comment below NEEDELBERTINFO.

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TFC- 2/22/20

Published by Tricia Cook, MEd., Online Dyslexia and Behavioral Interventionist, RSP, AA O-G Tutor & Montessorian

Dyslexia Screenings & Emotional Intensive Intervention - Staff Training - Online Courses- Consultancy- Tutoring-Reliance and Family Coaching I have a unique approach in helping individuals achieve their full potential. With over two and a half decades of experience, I have a passion for learning new techniques and being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As a graduate of the renowned Auburn University, I have earned both her BA in ECE and Masters Degree in Secondary with Reading Specialist certification from the University of Alabama. I have experience at the Montessori School in Birmingham which has provided me with valuable insights into the best practices of teaching young minds. I have also developed training programs for teachers, providing essential support to students with neurodiverse needs such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum. I have focus on developing a "whole child" pedagogy that caters to all modes of learning, I continually work with Dr. Joseph Nwoye on teaching and learning including DEI. I have helped develop programs and training with SDIG (systemicdiversity.org) in promoting the intersectionality of the complexities and complicated issues of diversity. I have credentials as a reading specialist with a speech pathology background expanded greatly while owning Cook's Independent Tutoring, Coaching, Consulting, LLC. I currently pursuing a Neurodiversity Family Coaching certification in the framework of the CReW Coaching Institute. Again, I have a commitment to being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As an enthusiastic learner and educator, I am confident that I have the necessary skills to support others in achieving their goals (crw.life). For more information, contact Tricia Cook, Cook's Independent, Tutoring, Coaching and Consulting, LLC. (myelbert.com; https://sway.office.com/dXy5PpvjMeF4yxWh?ref=Link&loc=mysways) https://linktr.ee/tcooktutor

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